LOLCOIN - The Future of Education
Introduction. Education is a sector that is as important as health and financial services, and there are many areas in this sector that can be improved using technology. The edtech market is growing rapidly, and is estimated to reach $ 93.76 billion globally by 2020. Already, tools such as virtual reality and personalized learning with artificial intelligence help improve learning outcomes for students at all levels. Smart classrooms aren't too far away, and blockchain technology can be an integral part of schools around the world in a few years. But how will this system help administrators and students? To understand the potential impact of the blockchain in the education system and predict how this technology will affect teachers and students, it is helpful to know how other sectors have used it to improve their processes and how one day schools can follow in their footsteps. With that being said, the LOLcoin project intends to make a qualitative revolution throughout...