Stobox - vision, positioning, collecting best practices

Stobox Exchange High-risk moderate-yield investments - they provide great legal protection to investors in combination with very solid returns. However, these investments can be accessed almost exclusively by those who are already wealthy - large institutions and high-income individuals. These are private industrial companies in developing countries, early stage venture funds, etc. Anything else, like DeFi or the stock market is just a ghost so that ordinary people believe they have a chance. Here we have a problem - you have to invest like the rich to get rich - but for that you have to get rich first. This is how the existing elites protect their wealth. Or protected so far. No door can remain closed forever. In the last 2 years, a strong financial technology trend has developed. Award-winning company Stobox has paved the way for the general investor to invest like the rich. This technology is called "security token offering". An example of a great application is tha...