
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

MYCRO - Solution to the Time and Money Dilemma

When we were children, we all had studied in the junior class that Humans were Social Animals and Can't Live Without Society. Working on this concept our parents and parents there and parents there and our previous generation, tried there the best level to give the best they had there children with my intention good food to eat, clothes that good to use, a good home to live, good for living education so that children can live in a society made by humans comfortably and respectfully. This thought of living a comfortable and respectful life has been passed on from one generation to another in the same way as it began but, have we ever thought how much pain and problems experienced to give us respect for what they dream about us. . The answer is simple WHY? because just like our parents, we are also busy making our future generations stay in their lives. It looks like a bicycle chain is going up and down, a race that never ends that no one can win. Now, the question that must ...

Colletrix - Bridging the Physical and Virtual World

                         Introduction. When intellectual property is sold, usually the original manufacturer loses. Consumers still have to check the collections they buy using traditional methods. We envision a world where new economies and old economies will be fully integrated to create new economic models that maximize benefits for all participants. Starting with IP and the creative industry, we envision an industrial revolution where IP owners will be able to maintain reasonable license fees by implementing blockchain technology. Here, Colletrix uses blockchain technology to protect the creators of intellectual property (IP) and authenticate collections of goods.    What Is Colletrix? Colletrix Is a blockchain technology to protect creators of intellectual property (IP) and authenticate collections of goods. Colletrix uses blockchain technology to protect your rights to i...

GOLDENUGGET - Teknologi terbaru untuk Penambangan dan Penjualan Emas

Pengantar Teknologi blockchain masuk ke kehidupan kita sehari-hari dengan sangat cepat. Cryptocurrency, kontrak pintar pintar, token, menciptakan peluang dan kondisi yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk menciptakan solusi teknologi inovatif baru. Ekosistem blockchain berkembang dengan sangat cepat, tetapi tidak selalu stabil, terutama pada masalah cryptocurrency dan sistem pembayaran mereka. Banyak cryptocurrency menderita karena volatilitas yang kuat dan daya beli, karena mereka masih tidak menganggap cryptocurrency mata uang yang dapat diandalkan yang dapat digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Banyak cryptocurrency tidak memiliki nilai untuk diri mereka sendiri dan tidak diberikan aset apa pun. Di perusahaan. GOLDENUGGET adalah pendekatan yang sangat berbeda. Perusahaan memasuki pasar cryptocurrency terdesentralisasi menggabungkan teknologi blockchain desentralisasi dengan aset GOLD tertua, paling dapat diandalkan, selalu naik dan stabil.     Apa itu GOLDENUGGET? G...